Japan Society for Information Design

All about Japan Society for Information Design

Japan Society for Information Design(JSID) is a practical academic organization dedicated to deepening understanding and research on information design. We take a broad approach to information design that transcends genres, disciplines, and specialties, including theoretical, practical, and artistic approaches.

Information design is a research field that bridges a wide range of informatics and design studies. Today, it is a multidisciplinary discipline that bridges diverse fields such as mathematical science, sociology, economics, organizational theory, human interface, expression engineering, ergonomics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, metaverse, and many more.

It is not only university researchers who are expected to participate in Japan Society for Information Design(JSID) . Businessmen, creators, and engineers are also welcome to participate.


International Journal of Applied Informatics and Media Design (ISSN 2436-8814)

International Journal of Applied Informatics and Media Design” focuses on practices, technologies, applications and theories for Applied Informatics and Media Communication, including Social Informatics, Computer & Humanities, BioInformatics, Data Science and so on. “Applied Informatics and Media Design” offers a multi- disciplinary approach to Applied Informatics.
The topics of interests include but not limited to:

Media Design and Communication

Interaction Design / Information Design / Computer-mediated Communication / Entertainment Computing / Human Interface

Intelligent Computing

Artificial Intelligence(AI) / Algorithms / Computer Security / Mathematical modeling / Internet of Things (IoT)

Visual Communication

Computer Graphics / Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR) / Game Programming / Media Art

Data Science

Data Modeling / DataBase Systems / Data mining / Information Retrieval / Big Data Analytics

Social Informatics

Social Media and Internet Research / Media in Education(MIE) / Media Analysis / Electronic Intellectual Property / Information Security


Artificial Intelligence on Media / eXtended Intelligence / DAO / DeFi / Cryptocurrency / Artificial Life / Metaverse

For Authors

Join Member

Applicants for Membership should confirm their membership category and submit an application form to the Secretariat.

  1. General Member : 5,000JPY/per year
  2. Student Member : 1,000JPY/per year
  3. Group Membership : 10,000JPY/per year

Membership application form

Applicants for Membership should download the membership application form below, fill in the required information, and send it to the Secretariat by e-mail.

Constitution of Japan Society for Information Design

1. Name of the Society

The name of this society is Japan Society for Information Design(JSID).

2. Headquarters

The location of the Society shall be determined by the President upon taking office.

3.  Purpose of JSID

The purpose of our society is to promote research on information design studies and to contribute to the improvement of information design theory and practice in general.

4. JSID’s Business

4.1. fiscal year

The fiscal year of JSID shall be from April 1 of each year to March 31 of the following year.

4.2. Items handled

JSID handles the following items.

  1. Hold an academic conference.
  2. To promote friendship and information exchange among members.
  3. Organize research presentations, lectures, study groups, seminars, etc.
  4. Editing and publishing journals, magazines, bulletins, etc.
  5. Organize international conferences and collaborate with overseas research institutions.
  6. Other work necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society

5. Membership

5.1. Membership requirement

Membership is open to individuals and organizations that have academic, creative, and practical interests in Information Design, as well as a common concern and awareness of issues, and that agree with the Society’s constitution.

5.2. Type of membership

There are four types of JSID memberships.

  1. General Member
  2. Student Member
  3. Group Members
  4. Honorary Member

Student member automatically change toGeneral Member when their enrollment period expires.

6. Board Member

6.1. Type of Board Member

JSID shall have the following officers

  1. President : 1
  2. Vice-president : 1
  3. Executive Director : 8
  4. Auditor : 2
6.2. Election of Officers
  1. 会長、理事は、正会員の選挙により選出する。任期は2年(4月1日から翌々年3月31日)とし、再任は妨げない。
  2. 理事長は、会員の選挙で選ばれた理事の互選によって定める。
  3. 監事は、理事会が理事以外の会員に委嘱して定める。任期は1年(4月1日から翌年3月31日)とし、再任は妨げない。
  4. 会長、理事の選挙は、日本情報デザイン学会役員選挙規定に従う。

7. Admission and Withdrawal



  1. 指定の退会申請フォームより所定の事項を記載し、事務局に提出後、理事会の承認を経て、退会となる。
  2. 年会費の未納、本会の名誉を貶める言動、学術研究団体のメンバーとしてふさわしくないと判断された会員は、理事会の審議をへて、除籍処分となる場合がある。
  3. 退会者は理事会の承認後、再度の入会(復帰)することができる。
  4. 除籍者は本会への再度の入会申請を出すことはできない。

8. Admission fee and membership fee

8.1. 入会金


8.2. 会費


  1. 正会員 5,000円/年額
  2. 学生会員1,000円/年額
  3. 団体会員10,000円/年額
  4. 名誉会員は無償とする。

9. General Membership Meeting

  1. 年1回の会員総会を開催する。
  2. 会員総会は、開催年度にオンライン/オフラインかの実施方法について理事会が定める。
  3. 会員総会は、会員の過半数の出席で成立する。
  4. 会則の変更は、総会の出席の2/3以上の賛成を得て行う。

10. board of directors

  1. 会長は理事会を招集することができる。
  2. 理事会は互選により理事長を選出する(任期1年)
  3. 理事会は、理事の過半数の出席で成立する。
  4. 理事会規定の変更は、理事会の過半数の賛成を得て行う。